Mid-term Rental coaching

How I went from zero to 10 homes in less than a year without owning a single home


About My Mid-Term Rental Journey

Imagine yourself going to sleep at night, then you wake up to an alert that someone paid you overnight for the work you did not actively do (not talking about paycheck here), that is what passive income is.

If you keep this up and this income covers all your monthly expenses and taxes, then you become financially free. Think about it, you are no longer tied to a paycheck for your living. How cool is that?

These are the benefits that I derive from Mid-Term Rental. Let me blow your mind here, I do not own any of the properties that I now operate. How is that even possible, right?

The perfect Idea

Idea To Achieve My Goal

I had the same puzzled face that you have right now when a pharmacist colleague told me that I could leverage other people’s properties to bring in additional income. Basically, lease these properties, furnish them, and rent them out on a mid-term basis. What’s even more awesome about this is that I can make money passively doing it.

Imagine my confusion and disbelief when he told me that…

I sat down and did the math…Each home will typically bring you close to $2000 monthly on average after all expenses are paid. Just imagine having 5 of these generating you a consistent income in your sleep! Wouldn’t earning an additional 10k per month make it easier for you to achieve your financial freedom quicker and live life on your own terms?

My Journey

My Success Story

I took the bold step and registered for his coaching program because I could see his result. I am glad that I gave it a shot because my result and success there allowed me to walk away from my pharmacist job in less than a year of starting. I no longer rely on an employer’s paycheck for my livelihood.

I went from having no rental homes in January 2022 to operating 10 of them in October 2022 leveraging other people’s homes and generating over 6 figures.

If this interests you, I am ready to help you gain that freedom as well. 40 is the new retirement, girl. Let’s do this!

I’d show you how and where to start!

Want To Start Your Mid-Term Rental Business?